February 1 to 7, 2025
A collaborative effort
In Québec, this major event takes place under the auspices of Anorexia and Bulimia Québec (ANEB) and Maison l’Éclaircie, with the collaboration of many partners in the private, hospital and community sectors.
Information and awareness
On this website you’ll find educational documents and tools designed to:
- Help the public better understand eating disorders and the reality experienced by ED sufferers and their friends and families.
- Debunk the myths and address the taboos associated with this type of mental illness.
- Explain the preferred attitudes and behaviours to adopt with an ED sufferer.
We encourage you to explore, download and share these tools.
Support and sharing
EDAW is a time to think about how we can best support and communicate with a person suffering from an eating disorder.
During the week, ED sufferers and their friends and families will have many opportunities to express their emotions, difficulties and concerns with regard to disordered eating.
A Major Event, Because Eating Disorders Are Everyone’s Business.
The National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW) is a major event, initiated in Quebec by Anorexie et Boulimie Québec and La Maison l’Éclaircie, with the support of their many community partners (Anorexie Boulimie Saguenay, Arrimage, and Éki-Lib Santé Côte-Nord), as well as private and hospital sectors. The goal of the Week is to raise awareness about eating disorders and their related issues.
Even today, in 2025, the first signs of eating disorders can appear as early as age 7. One in 10 young girls suffers from an eating disorder, and 300,000 people are affected by an eating disorder in Quebec. These statistics are alarming, and it is crucial to take action both as individuals and as a society. By raising awareness and discussing the issue, each of us can develop the power to act and contribute to fighting eating disorders.
To achieve this, several publications and a webinar will animate NEDAW online. There will also be several events throughout the week in various locations across Quebec. Check out our “events” tab to learn about all the happenings!
– Informations : info@anebquebec.com