Support Group-A-Thon (NEDIC)

Increasing access to care for people experiencing eating disorders is possible. During EDAW, community-based organizations across Canada are offering free or reduced-cost programming to expand access to support for underserved communities and create space to discuss topics often left out of conversations about eating disorders. 


Explore these opportunities to connect, share, and heal.

Click here for more information


Monday, February 3rd

Disabled & Chronically Ill Support Group

12:30 – 2:00pm ET

Register with Sheena’s Place

Program description: This group is designed to provide a safer space for those in the disability community to explore their unique experiences of body image and disordered eating in an ableist society that is often preoccupied with a narrow definition of “health”.

Eligibility: 17+, must be in Ontario to access services. This group prioritizes space for persons who identify as disabled (includes visible/invisible permanent/episodic disabilities) and it is run by facilitators who identify as disabled. Please contact Sheena’s Place if you require any accommodations to participate. This group ascribes to the social model of disability, and thus uses identity-first language. We also acknowledge that language is fluid and personal, and everyone has the right to determine their preferred way of identifying.

Note: This group is part of a drop-in program that will be run every Monday at this time from January 6 to March 17.

The Longest Match: Rallying to Defeat an Eating Disorder in Midlife

6:00 – 8:00pm ET

Register with Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre

Program description: Eating disorders do not discriminate and it is possible to develop this complex illness at any stage in life. This session will focus on eating disorders in midlife, including the triggers that are prevalent at this stage in life, and the twists and turns in the recovery journey. It will be a safe and supportive space to discuss strategies for navigating treatment at a stage in life when there are so many responsibilities. Betsy Brenner, author of “The Longest Match: Rallying to Defeat an Eating Disorder in Midlife”, will share her story and the lessons learned in her own recovery journey.

Eligibility: This workshop session is intended for any individual affected by an eating disorder in midlife, whether you are a caregiver, loved one, or struggling yourself. Our Speaker Series is open to anyone across Canada who is 17+.

VIVED Eating Disorder Peer Support Group

6:30 – 8:00pm PT

No registration required; join Zoom meeting hosted by Vancouver Island Voices for Eating Disorders

Program description: A peer support group for adults who struggle with disordered eating or eating disorders. This EDAW-themed meeting is a safe, inclusive, and judgement-free space to connect with your peers across the nation.

Eligibility: Open to all Canadians 18+ who struggle with disordered eating or eating disorders. No diagnosis required. NOTE: This is not group therapy. Facilitators are peers with lived and living experience. Some topics of discussion may be triggering and we encourage you to plan for extra support if you need it.

2025-02-03 00:00 2025-02-03 00:00 America/Toronto Support Group-A-Thon (NEDIC)

Increasing access to care for people experiencing eating disorders is possible. During EDAW, community-based organizations across Canada are offering free or reduced-cost programming to expand access to support for underserved communities and create space to discuss topics often left out of conversations about eating disorders.    Explore these opportunities to connect, share, and heal. Click […]