Testimonials evening hosted by Jean-Marie Lapointe

This event is in french.

To mark this year’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2022, Maison L’Éclaircie is organizing a testimonial evening open to all and free of charge.

The evening will be hosted by Jean-Marie Lapointe who will welcome Karine Nadeau, from the blog Le Beau Désordre, as well as Marie-Ève ​​Labonté, founder of the T’es Belle community. They will share with us their journey through the eating disorder. Going from the emergence of the disorder to advice towards recovery, these two testimonies will allow you to better understand eating disorders and the duality that arises between the unhealthy voice of this one and the healthy voice of recovery. We also have the pleasure to have with us Sarah Turbide, social worker at the Maison L’Éclaircie to cohost the evening.

Go to Maison L’Éclaircie’s Facebook to access the zoom link.
Afin de souligner la Semaine nationale de sensibilisation aux troubles alimentaires 2022, la Maison L’Éclaircie organise une soirée témoignage ouverte à tous et gratuite.

La soirée sera animée par Jean-Marie Lapointe qui accueillera Karine Nadeau, du blogue Le Beau Désordre, ainsi que Marie-Ève Labonté, fondatrice de la communauté T’es Belle. Elles nous partageront leur parcours au travers du trouble alimentaire. Passant de l’émergence du trouble à des conseils vers le rétablissement, ces deux témoignages vous permettront de mieux comprendre les troubles alimentaires et la dualité qui s’installe entre la voix malsaine de celui-ci et la voix saine du rétablissement.

Rendez-vous sur le Facebook de la Maison L’Éclaircie pour avoir accès au lien zoom.

2022-02-07 18:30 2022-02-07 20:00 America/Toronto Testimonials evening hosted by Jean-Marie Lapointe

This event is in french. To mark this year’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2022, Maison L’Éclaircie is organizing a testimonial evening open to all and free of charge. The evening will be hosted by Jean-Marie Lapointe who will welcome Karine Nadeau, from the blog Le Beau Désordre, as well as Marie-Ève ​​Labonté, founder of […]

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86391606679?pwd=RmJyQitmSlAweHp4dUt6aFlwUzgxQT09 momolebon@gmail.com