A letter to a broken self

You are more than your illness

It is in times such as these, the EDAW, where we raise awareness, as a nation, on a mental illness such as an eating disorder (ED), that it is important to put resources and tools in place to those who suffer from an ED. 

The spirit of an individual is powerful and can reach great heights if encouraged to rise above the hurt and the pain that Life can bring. For many reasons, an individual can develop a mental illness such as an eating disorder. An eating disorder has no prejudices; it can develop in individuals no matter their culture, their social status, their gender and their age. 

This letter is for those who are suffering from an eating disorder or anyone else who lives with thoughts that destroy the spirit. With this letter, we acknowledge that we will be stronger than the negative forces and rise above the pain to bring about a new change within ourselves that will be everlasting.

You are more than your illness

You are not your illness

You have the power to rise above it

You are strong and beautiful

You will rise above the negative thoughts 

By constantly acknowledging all your strengths

With time, you will distance yourself from the ED’s voice

This war between your mind and your body will vanish

You will find again your core, your healthy Self

By reconnecting to your TRUE inner voice:

I am enough

I am unashamed

I deserve love

I am resilient

I can thrive

I am self-compassionate

I am free

You need to be completely honest with yourself. Actively responding against the ED’s voice can take some time. It does require a pivotal shift in thinking. That is why you need to acknowledge that you may experience highs and lows throughout this process. Recovery is not a linear path. You are not weak if you need to seek help from a professional.  Know that you are not alone. Surround yourself with caring and understanding loved-ones. Be your own ally. Your pain doesn’t define who you are.  Within yourself, you have the power to transcend beyond the illness. 

This article was written by two voices/two counsellors from ANEB Quebec

Josée Lavigne, Lead Education and Prevention Component 

Karine Pendleton, Senior Counsellor